All-Inclusive Exam Prep Course

We’ll tell you Exactly what to Study and how to Pass the Exam

Our live State Exam Prep Course covers all the important material needed to pass the Real Estate License Exam on your first attempt!

In 2019, there were 47,716 exams administered, but only 22,063 licenses issued, according to the DRE statistics. While the test is not easy, you can definitely pass if you Prepare and Study!


We Cover the 7 Categories on the State Exam:

Area 1: Property Ownership and Land Use Controls and Regulations (15% of exam)
Area 2: Laws of Agency and Fiduciary Duties (17% of exam)
Area 3: Property Valuation and Financial Analysis (14% of exam)
Area 4: Financing (9% of exam)
Area 5: Transfer of Property (8% of exam)
Area 6: Practice of Real Estate Disclosures (25% of exam)
Area 7: Contracts (12% of exam)

Live Classroom Training

Enjoy live classroom training that helps you see, hear, process, and memorize the key material.

You receive our exclusive 50-page handout of key information related to the exam, and we cover everything live using a PowerPoint presentation.

Our Prep Book is another great tool to help give you the knowledge and confidence you need to pass the State Exam on your first try:

  • Summary of information from the State Exam Test Categories
  • 5 simulated state exams - with answers and feedback for every question
  • Glossary of real estate vocabulary
  • Test taking and pre-exam study tips

Multiple Handouts and Study Tools

•   50-page Exam Prep Manual
•   Key Terms and Definitions
•   “Hot Sheets” of recent exam questions
•   Math Review
•   Flash Cards
•   Test Taking Guidelines

Get the EDGE


Our self-study AND live classroom/online training provides unique flexibility. While other educators have chosen to offer only online training with pre-recorded videos (which may be outdated), we still believe there should be a live and “interactive” aspect to lessons and trainings.

Many students have said they learn better this way, and we believe this is a superior option for preparing you to pass the exam.

Ready to Get Started?

Enroll through the PAS Website


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